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Become Faculty

Become Faculty

Become Faculty

Get Involved

We are grateful for your interest in considering working with PAACS to train and disciple African doctors to become surgeons or related specialists for Christ. There are three ways you can serve as faculty with PAACS:


Hospital Employed Faculty

Our partner mission hospitals employs faculty, but PAACS is affiliated with faculty/surgical educators. If you are interested in pursuing this course, please email us at to get more information.


Long Term Volunteer Faculty

Career missionaries at PAACS-approved hospitals who have more than incidental contact with the PAACS residents in the roles of teacher, mentor, or proctor must be approved by PAACS, having presented the proper credentials as required by Loma Linda University prior to approval. Long-term faculty must first be recommended by the program directors and faculty at the training site, seconded by the Faculty Committee, and finally approved by the entire PAACS Board of Directors. They will serve a one-year probationary period before being re-evaluated and approved for a longer period.

The physician, surgeon, or related specialist must be board-qualified (or board-eligible), have an active relationship with Christ, have a history of active involvement in a faith community, be willing to sign the PAACS Statement of Faith and be serving overseas under the authority of a mission agency or mission hospital. They must be willing to comply with the regulations and requirements of the PAACS program. They must prove themselves to be good teachers and actively involved in the training and discipling of young surgeons. They should meet the requirements laid out by Paul for leaders of the church in 1 Timothy 3:1-7.

All long-term volunteer faculty must go through a sending agency.


Short Term Volunteer Faculty

We need surgeons and related specialists of all types, including ob-gynecologists, anesthesiologists, gastroenterologists, radiologists, and pathologists. Since we are not a sending agency, the vast majority of our short-term faculty go out with the help of either Samaritan's Purse, which is associated with most of our training sites, or Medical Teams International. They will assist us by vetting the medical and spiritual credentials and assist you with door-to-door travel. They keep in close contact with the various programs and are able to determine whether there is a need for your specialty and room for you at a given hospital at a given time.