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General Surgery

General Surgery Programs

General surgery is the core focus of PAACS and is offered at every training site. Residents spend a minimum of 5 years in post-graduate training, where they engage in both clinical and academic study under direct mentorship from board-certified, experienced surgeons. Instruction is given in a broad range of fields, including orthopaedics, gynecology, pediatric surgery, head and neck surgery, anesthesia, plastic surgery, and critical care.

A certificate of attendance is awarded annually to successful residents. At the end of the fifth year, successful residents receive a diploma, awarded jointly by PAACS and Loma Linda University School of Medicine.

PAACS is an approved training program by the College of Surgery of East, Central, and Southern Africa (COSECSA). PAACS residents who have successfully completed all PAACS requirements are allowed to sit for the COSECSA examinations. We are continuing to seek a similar relationship with the West African College of Surgeons (WACS).

PAACS Partner Hospitals with General Surgery Residency Programs:

CEML Hospital, Angola
Kibuye Hope Hospital, Burundi
Mbingo Baptist Hospital, Cameroon
Harpur Memorial Hospital, Egypt
Soddo Christian Hospital, Ethiopia
Bongolo Hospital, Gabon
AIC Kapsowar Hospital, Kenya
AIC Kijabe Hospital, Kenya
AIC Litein Hospital, Kenya
Tenwek Hospital, Kenya
Hopitaly Vaovao Mahafaly Mandritsara, Madagascar
Malamulo Adventist Hospital, Malawi
Nkhoma Mission Hospital, Malawi
SIM Galmi Hospital, Niger
Arusha Lutheran Medical Centre and Selian Lutheran Hospital, Tanzania
Hospital of Hope and Hopital Baptiste Biblique, Togo