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Resident Profiles

Dr. Edomiyas Zenebe

PAACS Resident Profile

Dr. Edomiyas Zenebe
General Surgery Resident
Soddo Christian Hospital

From a young age, Dr. Edomiyas Zenebe was recognized as a standout student, naturally leading him toward a career in medicine. After medical school, he served as a general practitioner in a remote region of Ethiopia. There he was confronted with the grim reality of countless patients unable to be treated due to a lack of properly trained surgeons in the region. This experience, combined with encouragement from colleagues familiar with the Pan-African Academy of Christian Surgeons (PAACS), motivated him to join PAACS, where he could fulfill his calling to serve the underserved.

Currently, as a third-year general surgery resident at Soddo Christian Hospital, Dr. Edomiyas daily embodies the mission of PAACS—combining quality surgical skills with spiritual care. A particularly memorable case was a man with a severe heart injury. His prognosis was poor, and his spirits were even lower. Dr. Edomiyas and the PAACS team performed life-saving surgery and also offered ongoing spiritual support. During recovery, Dr. Edomiyas seized every moment to engage in meaningful conversations with the patient about the gospel, and the hope that comes through Christ. These discussions proved to be just as vital as surgical treatment in fostering the patient's recovery.

Rooted in the comprehensive training and discipleship he received through PAACS, Dr. Edomiyas’ approach helped restore both the patient's health as well as his relationship with Jesus. Reinvigorated, the patient re-engaged with his church and has recommitted his life to Christ. After his recovery he was also able to experience the birth of his child, a joy he once feared that he wouldn't live to see. As a follower of Christ and a healthy father, he can now demonstrate God’s love to his child, contributing to the growth of the Kingdom of God.

This story vividly illustrates PAACS’s dual mission: to heal bodies through surgery and nourish souls through sharing the gospel. Through Dr. Edomiyas’ skilled hands and compassionate heart, a critical surgical intervention evolved into a profound journey of spiritual awakening and joy.

Your support helps make more stories like this possible. Together, we can continue to reach those in dire need of both surgical care and the nurturing touch of faith.