What if you needed surgery and there were only a handful of surgeons for an entire country?
Unfortunately, this is a painful reality in many African countries. Fifty-six million people in Africa are in need of surgical care. 93% of sub-Saharan Africa does not have access to safe surgical, anesthesia, and obstetric (SAO) care that is timely and affordable. In many places of Africa, there is only one surgeon for a population of 250,000. In other areas, it is even worse. There may be only one surgeon for a population of 2.5 million people.
The Pan-African Academy of Christian Surgeons (PAACS) is a strategic response to the need for surgeons in Africa. We are a non-denominational, multinational service organization training African physicians to become surgeons who are willing to remain in Africa to meet this need. PAACS also disciples these residents to share the love and gospel of Jesus Christ with their patients. The surgical and spiritual training of these residents is offered at several well-established evangelical mission hospitals in Africa, under the direction of experienced, board certified missionary surgeons.
So whether you are a potential resident, a volunteer, a donor, or just curious, we invite you to make a difference in the spiritual and physical health of an entire continent.
PAACS’ mission is to glorify God by training and discipling African surgeons and related specialists to become Christ-like leaders and servants providing excellent and compassionate care to those most in need.
PAACS envisions a growing number of African surgeons and related specialists living out the Gospel and ministering to the sick.