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Loma Linda University Accreditation Site Visits

Loma Linda University accreditation visits were conducted at Kijabe Hospital where five PAACS programs were visited (General Surgery, Orthopaedic Surgery, Pediatric Surgery, Anesthesiology, and Plastic Surgery). We are thankful for the team of accreditors which included Dr. Mark Reeves (Loma Linda University Representative to PAACS Board of Directors), Dr. Bita Tabrizi and Dr. Meghan Cocharn (Loma Linda University General Surgeons), Dr. Mike Skinner (PAACS Board of Directors Vice-Chair and Pediatric Surgeon), Dr. Michael Langford (PAACS Orthopaedic Council Chair), Dr. Michael Douglas (Anesthesiology), Dr. John Tarpley (PAACS Academic Dean), and Dr. Keir Thelander (PAACS Executive Vice President). The visit included a brief discussion about the almost complete strategic plan for Kijabe Hospital that emphasizes their collaboration with PAACS in training and discipleship.