On February 8, we joyfully celebrated the 20th anniversary of Soddo Christian Hospital, a testament to God's grace and the dedication of faithful servants. Founded by the visionary missionary Dr. Harold Adolph, the hospital rose from humble beginnings. What was once a grazing field and a hyena-infested forest has been transformed into a beacon of hope, healing, and salvation.
Each year, Soddo Christian Hospital serves nearly 60,000 outpatient visitors and performs 10,000 operations. More importantly, over the past two decades, it has become a place where nearly half a million people have heard the gospel, and thousands have surrendered their lives to Christ Jesus. On this special occasion, we honored the unwavering service of several extraordinary individuals:
Dr. Duane Anderson, an orthopedic surgeon and a co-founder with Dr. Adolph, has faithfully served these 20 years as an attending physician, a PAACS faculty member, a board member, and a mentor. His wife, Ms. Jacqueline Anderson, has stood by his side, teaching English to many girls in Soddo and preparing Bible study materials for hospital small groups. Their legacy is profound and lasting.
Dr. Mark Karnes, an Obstetrician/Gynecologist, has offered unreserved service as both an attending physician and PAACS faculty member for 16 years. His wife, Ms. Allison Karnes, has empowered village girls to stay in school by providing hygiene products and she is well-known for beautifying the hospital compound with greenery and flowers.
Mr. Ken Amstutz has faithfully and indefatigably served as the board chair of the St. Luke’s Health Care Foundation (SLHCF) for 20 years. SLHCF is the US-based 501(c)(3) that supports Soddo Christian Hospital.
These faithful followers of Christ have left a lasting impact not only on the hospital but also on many PAACS graduates and residents who have testified to their Christlike service. During the celebrations, numerous people shared how these individuals' influence extends even into their families and homes. Their recognition today is a testament to God's grace and their consistent dedication, humility, and commitment to following Jesus. Their lives prompt us to reflect:
- What will people say about you and me in the future?
- Are we kind, faithful, and committed in our calling?
- What witness does our life bear?
One day we will all stand before the throne of Jesus Christ, where our labor in this world will be tested by fire (1 Corinthians 3:13-14). Will our works endure? Will we hear the Lord say, "Well done, good and faithful servant; enter into the joy of your Lord"? May we be servants whose lives and ministry attract many to His kingdom and bring glory to God through faithful service.
Gezahegn Tilahun, MD, FCS (ECSA), FACS
Assistant Program Director, General Surgery
Soddo Christian Hospital